недеља, 2. август 2015.

Shades of Grey

Siva je jedna od onih boja koje se lako uklapaju....
Nije bas jedna od mojih omiljenih boja, zapravo nemam nista sivo u ormaru... Ali moram priznati da prelepe kombinacije koje sam vidjala sadrze sivu boju.... 
Kazu da je siva boja boja jeseni ali mislim da nije tako..... 
To je boja svih godisnjih doba..... 
Ima toliko prelepih kombinacija koje uvek mozete da iskopirate..... Ali posto je sada leto bavicemo se letnjim 
Grey colour fits all... It's not one of my favourite colours... I have to admit I have nothing grey  in my closet.... Actually  one of the most beautiful combinations I've seen contain Grey.... 
They say that Grey colour is the colour of the autumn... But I don't think so.... 
There are so many wonderful outfits you can always try.... 
But since now is summer we will deal with summer outfits... 
Let's see what's the best 

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